Body, soul
and spirit -
holistically pure

Office for natural healing therapies,
complementary and alternative medicine

If you want to feel healthy and recovered, you have to be sure to constantly keep your body pure. Your body and soul play a big role and should stand in a good condition to each other. Hence this, I count on the use of natural resources and products. Using natural products and a range of therapies, I aim to help you, find a balance and strengthen your health. And this, whenever you need it. As a naturpath, I count on helping you recover and feel well in the future.

– Roland Tennie –

„The success of the treatment results from the combination
of naturopathy and conventional medicine“

Active in various medical
specialties since 1982

I have been working in the field of medicine since 1982. However, I had earlier exposure through numerous assignments in various relief organizations. I worked in many medical specialties, eventually specializing in cardiology in clinics. For many years now, I have had my own complementary medicine practice in Essen.

I rely on naturopathy, seeing it as a complement to conventional medicine, and I understand the essential interplay between the body, mind, and soul. My own chronic illness could only be successfully treated through the combination of both medical approaches. Clients from around the world come to me, including top athletes like Kira Walkenhorst, Olympic champion in beach volleyball.

We take a holistic approach
to your health

Your connection to us

My entire therapeutic concept is always complementary, meant to be seen as an addition to existing conventional medical treatments. I am not an alternative to your doctor but an extension. This approach is important to me, but especially for you, as the focus should not be on the competition between two disciplines but on you as the patient.

– Roland Tennie –

We create confidence
because we know
what the body needs.

Schützende Hände um das Organ Leber


Guter Vorsatz:
gesunde Leber!

Endlich Januar 2022 – endlich hat die Advents- und Weihnachts-Völlerei ein Ende. Doch mit dem neuen Jahr kommt meist der kneifende Hosenbund und wir kämpfen gegen das schlechte Gewissen. Höchste Zeit…



Was Ihr Blick

Keine Sorge, liebe Patienten. Ich bin nicht unter die Mentalisten gegangen. Auch wenn ich nicht von der Hand weisen kann, dass an Aussagen wie „Das Auge ist der Spiegel der Seele“, etwas dran ist.…

Röntgenbild Hand


Autoimmun Erkrankungen – die Gefahr aus dem eigenen Körper

Chronische Erkrankungen und Autoimmunerkrankungen machen uns in den Industrieländern das Leben schwer. Darmerkrankungen wie Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulceroa, Kreisrunder…

„Sehr empfehlenswerter Heilpraktiker.
Man fühlt sich sehr gut aufgehoben, sowohl
auf fachlicher als auch auf menschlicher Ebene.
Großes Lob.“
„Mir wurde schon oft geholfen, dieses Mal schlug
allerdings kein Antibiotika an. Kurzfristig konnte ich
Herrn Tennie aufsuchen. 3 Mittel und ich war wieder ein Mensch.
Danke wie immer!“
„Herr Tennie hoffte mir mit der Therapie für die nächsten Jahre
Ruhe zu geben. Ich belächelte dies, aber der Erfolg gab ihm Recht.
Mittlerweile kommt meine ganze Familie zu ihm. Ich würde aufgrund
seiner Kompetenz auch jedes Problem mit ihm besprechen,
bevor ich Irgendetwas von Irgendjemandem behandeln lassen würde.
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What clients said

„Highly recommended naturopath.
You feel very well taken care of, both on a
professional and a human level.
Great praise.“
„I’ve been helped many times before,
but this time antibiotics didn’t work.
I was able to see Mr. Tennie on short notice.
3 remedies, and I was human again.
Thank you, as always!“

„Mr. Tennie hoped his therapy could provide me some peace
for the future. I was initially very skeptical. However, he proved me wrong with his success. Now, my whole family visits his office. Due to his comprehensive knowledge, I would consult him first for any health issues before trusting anyone else. Thank you very much.“

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